कृषि प्रौद्योगिकी अनुप्रयोग अनुसंधान संस्थान
Agricultural Technology
Application Research Institute

(ISO 9001:2015)

Enhancing productivity of Soybean through BBF technology in Adilabad district

Black cotton soils cover major area in Adilabad district and receive an average annual rain fall of 1050 mm. Soybean is the second major crop in the district and shares 38.20% of total states' production. BBF technology is highly suitable to the black cotton soils and rain fed situations prevailing in the district. Thus, by this BBF planter, the performance of high yielding improved varieties is optimized as the deep furrows created under BBF provides effective drainage during excess rains, while serves as in situ moisture conservation during dry spells, thus mitigating the detrimental effects of both extreme situations. This would enable farmers to enhance their productivity and reduce the cost of production.

KVK Adilabad has conducted Front Line Demonstration (FLD) on BBF technology in soybean crop during kharif 2018-19 with 180cm bed width, 30 cm furrow width, seed rate of 20 kg/ac, spacing 45x 5 cm. The BBF machine was introduced basically to cope up with the problem of moisture stress and provides effective drainage during excess rains, while serves as in situ moisture conservation during dry spells, thus mitigating the detrimental effects of both extreme situations.

BBF technology increased BC ratio of 2.95:1 to Farmers Practice 2.36:1. By adopting BBF technology can reduce seed quantity by 25000q with a worth of Rs. 15.37 crores will be saved per season in erstwhile Adilabad district, production may be enhanced up to 35000MT and 50% time will be saved for sowing operation over conventional method.