National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA)
Project Description
National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) is a multi-institutional and multi-disciplinary network project launched by ICAR in 2011 which aims to build resilience in Indian agriculture to climate change and climate variability through strategic research and technology demonstrations.
- To enhance the resilience of Indian agriculture covering crops, livestock and fisheries to climatic variability and climate change through development and application of improved production and risk management technologies
- To demonstrate site specific technology packages on farmers fields for adapting to current climate risks.
- To enhance the capacity of scientists and other stakeholders in climate resilient agricultural research and its application.
Technology Demonstration Component (TDC) of NICRA which is implemented in 121 climatically vulnerable districts of the country focuses on enhancing the adaptive capacity of farmer in these districts to climatic change and to ensure security of livelihood in times of climatic aberrations. The Technology Demonstration Component (TDC) of NICRA was implemented through Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) during 2018-19 in 11 climatically vulnerable districts located in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Tamil Nadu under ICAR-ATARI, Hyderabad. These include KVKs of Anantapur, Chittoor, Kurnool, Srikakulam and West Godavari in Andhra Pradesh (5 KVKs). Khammam and Nalgonda in Telangana (2 KVKs) and Namakkal, Ramanathapuram, Villupuram and Tiruvarur in Tamil Nadu (4 KVKs).
Under the project, KVKs conducted demonstration of climate resilient technologies in four modules viz., NRM, crop production, livestock and fisheries and institutional interventions besides conducting capacity building and extension activities related to these technologies. Demonstrations were organized covering an area of 1074.4 ha benefiting 1903 farmers under NRM interventions viz., water harvesting and recycling, in-situ moisture conservation, ground water recharge, micro-irrigation, improved drainage and various resource conservation techniques. Under crop production module various interventions such as drought tolerant, flood tolerant and short duration varieties, location specific intercropping systems, crop diversification, pest and disease management, nutrient management etc., were taken up on 2792.6 ha area covering 3422 farmers. Under livestock and fisheries interventions, 1735 farmers were benefited on improved fodder production covering 197.6 ha, silage making, breed upgradation, improved breeds of backyard poultry, vaccination, animal health camps, management of fish ponds etc where 6285 animals were benefited. Under institutional interventions like custom hiring center, fodder bank and seed bank 439 farmers were benefited in terms of timely taking up of farm operations, enhanced access to quality seed and fodder .Through capacity building and extension activities, awareness on climate resilient technologies was brought about benefitting 3897 and 14510 farmers through 139 and 290 activities respectively. Some of the interventions under t four different modules which were successfully demonstrated to farmers have been presented in the following sections.
Renovation and desilting of check dams - KVK, Ananthapur
Three check dams situated near NICRA village at Ananthapur were desilted during 2018-19, increasing their dimensions from 26x11x0.5m, 55x04x0.5 and 92x11x0.5 to 78x12x2.0 m, 60x12x2.0 and 100x17x2.0 and storage capacity to 18,72,000, 14,40,000 and 34,00,000 liters of water, respectively. The water stored in the check dam was used for supplemental irrigation with drip and sprinkler system for crops and as drinking water for livestock. Bore wells (15) and open wells (6) in the vicinity of the check dams were recharged and 14 beneficiary farmers could take up cultivation of crops like pomegranate, yellow jowar, tube rose, curry leaf, sweet orange and red gram in 96.5 acres of area.
Check dam filled with water (Anantapur)
Green manure with daincha in paddy - KVK, Thiruvarur (Tamil Nadu)
Green manuring with daincha was demonstrated in an area of 12 ha covering 30 farmers in paddy to enhance soil health status and to reduce the salinity during summer and Kharif. The crop was trampled in the field itself at the time of flowering. The practice resulted in higher yield of 6092 kg/ha in the demonstration compared to farmer practice (4995 kg/ha).
Treatments | Seed yield (kg/ha) | Cost of cultivation (Rs./ha) | Gross income (Rs./ha) | Net income (Rs./ha) | B:C ratio |
Farmers practice | 4995 | 38111 | 81918 | 43807 | 2.15 |
Green manuring with Daincha | 6092 | 39917 | 99908 | 59991 | 2.50 |
Soil Nutrient status of Green manured plot and control plot
Particulars | Before Intervention | After Intervention |
Electrical conductivity (dS/m) | 0.26 | 0.24 |
pH | 8.33 | 8.05 |
Organic carbon (%) | 0.53 | 0.54 |
Available Nitrogen (kg /ha) | 215 | 238 |
Available Phosphorus (kg /ha) | 14.2 | 14.6 |
Available Potassium (kg /ha) | 206 | 210 |
Performance of Salinity tolerant paddy variety, WGL-44 (Siddi ) - KVK, Khammam
Salinity tolerant Paddy variety Siddi (WGL- 44) was demonstrated in an area of 20 ha covering 50 farmers in the NICRA village of Khammam. The improved variety recorded 488 kg/ha of additional yield compared to traditional variety with BC ratio of 1.91.
Treatments | Seed yield (kg/ha) | Cost of cultivation (Rs./ha) | Gross income (Rs./ha) | Net income (Rs./ha) | B:C ratio |
Farmers variety (BPT-5204) | 5943 | 57560 | 94494 | 36934 | 1.64 |
Salinity tolerant variety (Siddi) | 6431 | 53520 | 102253 | 48733 | 1.91 |
Intercropping of Mango and Field bean - KVK, Chittoor
To get assured income from diversified crops under drought conditions, demonstration was conducted on intercropping of mango with field bean (TFB-1) in an area of 8 ha covering 20 farmers. The field bean was sown when mango was at bud initiation stage. An additional income of Rs.52300/ha with BC ratio of 2.75 were obtained due to the intercropping system when compared to the sole crop of mango.
Crop/Cropping System | Yield (kg/ha) | Cost of cultivation (Rs./ha) | Gross Income (Rs./ha) | Net Returns (Rs./ha) | B:C ratio |
Sole crop1 (mango) | 3750 | 50875 | 116800 | 65925 | 1.30 |
Sole crop 2 (field bean) | 2300 | 16780 | 69000 | 52220 | 1.64 |
Mango + Field bean intercrop | 6050 | 67575 | 185800 | 118225 | 2.75 |
Crop diversification with drought resistant jowar variety, NJ-2446- KVK, Ananthapur
Groundnut (K-6) cultivation realized very low net returns due to delayed sowing because of delayed on set of monsoon. Crop diversification with the drought tolerant variety of jowar NJ-2446 resulted in higher net returns (Rs. 29750/ha) and BC ratio (3.90) compared to groundnut.
Drought resistant NJ-2446 (Jowar)
Evaluation of Probiotic (CIBASP) for water quality management in shrimp culture ponds- KVK, West Godavari
In order to maintain good quality water in shrimp ponds, demonstrations on use of probiotics were taken in an area of 10 ha covering 5 farmers to avoid stress, disease incidence and sudden mortality of shrimps. The treated pond recorded 55.55% improved yield with an additional net income of Rs. 408222/ha with favourable BC ratio of 2.18 over the farmers practice.
Treatments | Yield (Kg/ha) | Cost of cultivation (Rs./ha) | Gross income (Rs./ha) | Net income (Rs./ha) | B:C ratio |
Farmer practice | 4500 | 908222 | 1125000 | 216778 | 1.23 |
Treated pond | 7000 | 800000 | 1750000 | 625000 | 2.18 |