कृषि प्रौद्योगिकी अनुप्रयोग अनुसंधान संस्थान
Agricultural Technology
Application Research Institute

(ISO 9001:2015)

Livelihood through goat farming in tribal areas of Adilabad district

Goat farming is one of the best unique livelihood opportunities for the tribal farmers in the district. With an objective to make farming as a sustainable entity among tribal farmers, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Adilabad under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) and Tribal Sub Plan (TSP), schemes of Government of India, supplied goats and few medicines for goat farming to enhance subsidiary income of tribes in the district.

The important reasons for keeping goats as livelihood farming system for tribes because of their habitat in mountainous regions with little grass and open land, unemployed family labour, regular subsidiary income, community based traditional purposes and milk and meat consumption.

Each beneficiary was given 2 goats with a worth of Rs.10000 (@Rs. 5000 each) and few supplementary medicines and vaccines were also supplied. A total of 104 goats with a worth of Rs. 5,20,000 (@ Rs.5000 per goat) distributed among farmers in 11 villages across the district. The value created under goat farming from 2013 to 2019 is Rs. 34, 18,000 (@ Rs.5500 per goat).

Goat rearing is one of the best unique livelihood opportunities for the tribal farmers in the district to generate subsidiary income, utilizes family labour and paves the way for Doubling of Farmers Income (DFI).